Matawan Football Alumni Foundation Barry Rizzo Stadium
Matawan Football Alumni Foundation Barry Rizzo Stadium

20th Annual MFAF Hall of Fame Banquet Scheduled!

The Matawan Football Alumni Foundation is honored to announce the MFAF 2024 Hall of Fame class. Congratulations to our newest inductees:


Twillie Curry - Class of 1989
Tyson Curry - Class of 1989
Kevin Davis - Class of 2002
Anthony Grosso - Class of 2007
Tom Schifano - Class of 1989

2014 CJ Group III Championship Team

Husky Spirit Award: John Stockel


These inductees represent what it truly means to be a Husky, both on and off the field, and we are proud to welcome them into this exclusive club.


Votes are cast by our MFAF Organizing Committee and are based on a scaled point system ranking both individual and team accomplishments. Thank you to all those who submitted nominations. Those remaining nominees will be rolled over to next year and will be eligible for future Hall of Fame induction.


Tickets are now available for this year’s Matawan Football Alumni Foundation’s annual fundraiser dinner and Hall of Fame induction ceremony which will be held on 3/7/25 at MJs in Matawan. We would like to invite all past alumni and community members to join us for this special occasion.

This dinner serves to honor our program and community’s past while also helping raise money for our yearly high school scholarship awards.


There will also be a pin ceremony at our awards dinner presenting each member of this year’s class with an exclusive, members only MFAF Hall of Fame pin. This pin serves as a symbol to honor and recognize the above individuals for their commitment, hard work, and dedication to our community and the Matawan Football Program.


Time and location: Friday March 7, 2025, from 7 – 11pm at MJs (formerly Buttonwood Manor) located at 845 Rt.34 Matawan, NJ.


Pricing: $60 Adults | $30 Students & Children Under 12

Sponsorship opportunities also available.


Let's make it a special night for our Huskies!


John Lazar
President, MFAF


-Matawan Football Alumni Foundation Organizing Committee
Joe Martucci '68, Rick Derechailo ’76, James Byrd ‘79, Jeff Shaw '80, Bruce Derechailo ’81, Joe Vaccarella'93, Chris Shea ‘93, Christian Dapolito ‘00, John Lazar ‘07, Bruce Monro ‘08, Sean Gleason ‘10, Shawn Ramcheran ‘16


About us:
The Matawan Football Alumni Foundation is a non-profit organization that proudly supports our local youth through yearly scholarships, awards and team assistance. James C. Dwyer Husky Alumni Park and the Matawan Football Hall of Fame located at Matawan High School are both maintained by the MFAF.  Please follow our Facebook page for more information and updates.

2025-MFAF Hall of Fame Banquet Tickets
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Please use the drop-down menu to select and purchase your tickets.

2025 MFAF Hall of Fame Banquet
MFAF 2025 Banquet Advertising & Sponsorship Donations

Click the image to see our Ad Sponsorship Form. Please use the drop-down menu to select your sponsorship level.

MFAF 2025 Banquet Advertising & Sponsors

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You may also download the Ad Sponsorship Form above and manual enter information and send check in for your sponsorship. 


If you are sponsoring student tickets, please select the drop-down menu option "Sponsor Student Athlete Ticket".

19th Annual MFAF Hall of Fame Banquet 

Congratulations to our Hall of Fame Inductees. It was another wonderful night celebrating achievements and reminiscing some legendary and historic Matawan Huskies Football.

The Matawan Football Alumni Foundation newest inductees:

Jared Allison – Class of 2011 (U of New Hampshire)

Nebraska Baker - Class of 1993 (Kansas)

Christian Dapolito – Class of 2000 (Duke)

Alan Smutko - Class of 1974 (Jersey City State)


Henry "Butch" Esposito - Husky Spirit Award

These inductees represent what it truly means to be a Husky, both on and off the field, and we are proud to welcome them into this exclusive club.

Votes were cast by our MFAF Organizing Committee and  based on a scaled point system ranking both individual and team accomplishments. Thank you to all those who submitted nominations. Those remaining nominees will be rolled over to next year and will be eligible for future Hall of Fame induction.

-Matawan Football Alumni Foundation Organizing Committee
Joe Martucci '68, Rick Derechailo ’76, Scott Bellone ’78, James Byrd ‘79, Jeff Shaw '80, Bruce Derechailo ’81, Joe Vaccarella '93, Chris Shea ‘93, Christian Dapolito ‘00, John Lazar ‘07, Bruce Monro ‘08, Sean Gleason ‘10, Shawn Ramcheran ‘16

Matawan Football Alumni Foundation 2022 Awards 

The Matawan Football Alumni Foundation is pleased to present our annual awards to the 2022 Matawan Football Huskies. These young men worked hard all season and truly represent what it means to be a Husky. Many thanks to the parents club and coaches for hosting us last night at MJ’s for the football awards banquet.


Congratulations to our 2022 MFAF award recipients:


Jawann Brown Award: Ryder Silvers

Lance Tumulty Award: Seif Wahby

Husky Award: Cameron Cooper

Rookie of the Year: Welman Crooms


-John Lazar
President, Matawan Football Alumni Foundation


The Matawan Football Alumni Foundation is a non-profit organization that proudly supports our local Matawan-Aberdeen youth through yearly scholarships, awards and team assistance.  Please like and follow our Facebook page for more information.

A Day With Coach Barry Rizzo

On Saturday, November 19, 2022, we spent the day with the legendary Coach Barry Rizzo at the home of Matawan football named after him, Barry Rizzo Stadium. It was a great day for Matawan Football and a great day for all Huskies.


Below are some pictures from this incredible day. Please also click the button below for many more pictures and videos from our event!


Matawan Football Alumni Foundation

Matawan Football Martucci and Rizzo Coach Barry Rizzo and Coach Joe Martucci

Coach Leon "Butch" Britton

The Matawan Football Alumni Foundation along with all those who ever knew the man are very
saddened about the passing of Leon Butch Britton. Mr. Britton was a staple in the success that
Matawan Football had under the rein of Coach Barry Rizzo. Mr. Britton was the defensive coordinator for Mr. Rizzo’s championship teams and led the Huskies to some of the best defensive play in the shore Conference and the state. Mr. Britton will always be remembered as a fun loving and inspirational coach.


We all want to give our condolences and prayers to the family, and let them know that he will
always be remembered in the minds and hearts of the Husky Nation.

Christian Dapolito's interview with MFAF HOF Legendary Coach Butch Britton

MFAF member Christian Dapolito interviewed long-time football coach Butch Britton before he passed away. Below is an audio file of his interview. Rest in peace Coach Britton.

17th Annual Matawan Football Alumni Foundation Banquet

Thursday, September 23, 2021 - MJ's Buttonwood Manor

Many thanks and congratulations to our 2021 HOF Honorees, Coaches, Players, and the rest of our Husky Family for another successful Matawan Football Alumni Foundation Banquet!

Anthony "Tank" Quaglieri
Robert "Bobby" Jameson

Matawan Football Alumni Anthony Grillo from 1991 State Champion Team Interviews MFAF President and former Coach Joe Martucci 

Recently, our very own Anthony Grillo interviewed MFAF President and former Head Coach Joe Martucci. To listen to the podcast, click here.

MFAF Support for New Barry Rizzo Stadium Sign Project

The MFAF helped to fundraise over $2500 for the new Barry Rizzo Stadium signs. Below is a picture of the project.


All of your donations are very much appreciated!!!


Christian Dapolito's interview with MFAF HOF Legendary Coach Barry Rizzo

President Christian Dapolito interviewed long-time and legendary head football coach, Barry Rizzo. Below is an audio file of his interview. 

Together We Can Preserve History, Honor Excellence and Connect Generations

Consider making a tax deductible donation to our foundation today. MFAF is a 501 (c)(3) that was created to promote, foster and assist in the growth and the development of the Matawan Football program and its student-athletes. Any donation of $125 or more will receive a free brick to place within our Alumni Park. Your support is greatly appreciated!

MFAF Donation

Can't make the HOF Inductee Banquet but you'd like to make a donation? Please select from the various options below and make your donation via PayPal.

Make a MFAF Donation Today!

Preserve Your Matawan Husky Legacy -Buy a Husky Brick!

Click the link below to get to our Fundraising page where you can order your Husky Brick today!

A message from former MFAF President, Christian Dapolito....

On behalf of all Huskies, it has been my pleasure to represent you as the President of the Matawan Football Alumni Foundation.  Our program has a rich history of successes on the field and, now, through this excellent foundation, we will share our off-field successes.  It is my mission to expand our reach to all football alumni, to make our foundation a professional resource for all Huskies, and to honor all those who made this program the great program it is.  Please spread the word with us and encourage all our fellow Huskies to become foundation members.


Respectfully Yours,


Christian Dapolito

Matawan Football Alumni Foundation

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The mission of the Matawan Football Alumni Foundation is to promote, foster and assist in the growth and development of the Matawan Football program and it's student athletes. This group is open to all former Matawan Football Players, as well as current and former Coaches. 



James C. Dwyer Huskie Alumni Park

James C. Dwyer Huskie Alumni Park was dedicated to all past, present and future Matawan Huskies. James Dwyer was an outstanding member of our community and his family has a long and storied history in Matawan Football. Engraved bricks are available to purchase that will serve to honor your legacy in Matawan Athletics History. Bricks can be purchased by any and all student-athletes and proceeds assist with the Matawan Football Alumni scholarship fund. Please visit our Fundraising section to order your brick today!




Order Your Matawan Alumni Polo Shirt Today!

The Matawan Football Alumni Foundation is proud to announce that we are beginning to offer Alumni Polo Shirts. We have two different styles to choose from: "Matawan Alumni" embroidered on a M logo or "Matawan Football Alumni" embroidered on a M logo. Please visit our Fundraising section to order!



Scholarship Information

Matawan Football Alumni -Scholarship Awards Click image

Want to know more about our scholarship? Click here to read more about the criteria and how to apply.

News & Events

Matawan Football Alumni Foundation Volunteers are needed!

We have several events annually that require volunteers. If interested, please use our contact form to inquire about volunteering.

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© Matawan Football Alumni Foundation